How to Teach Kids to Make and Manage Money 
 A 60-minute class

PACKED with simple strategies that make a big impact. 
Only $24!
  • give the skills of financial success to a child.
  • go back to the ABC's of money. 
  • learn a simple way to approach a complex subject. 
"Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it." - Proverbs  22:6

Training children is a tough gig, right!

There are a lot of things kids need to know and do to have their best lives. We take our responsibility as their parents very seriously.

Yet even when we know money management is an essential life skill, how can we teach our kids something well if we aren't confident with it ourself??

"How do I know if I'm on the right track?"

"Where does one start??"

"What is age appropriate??"

"My kids have different personalities. What about that?"

"And seriously, what if I 'm struggling myself????"

This class is packed with answers and direction!
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What You'll Learn:
Learn 5 essential principles to sound financial education, no matter your situation.
Discover ways to empower your kids at every age.
Become privy to common toxic money habits and beliefs, and learn tools to combat them.
Learn how to talk about money even when you are unsure or uncomfortable with it yourself.
I teach this because...
1. Kids who aren't good with money are hard on:
  • retirement plans--everyone's.
  • life.
  • relationships and marriage--theirs and yours.
2. Kids deserve it. They need it. And they want to learn it. They will THANK YOU FOR IT.
    3. You deserve tools to be a successful parent. And who knows, you might be raising my future in-law! 
      Even though I have a degree in family finance and a bunch of other certifications, my passion and success in personal finance stem from the guidance I received at a very young age. My parents were very intentional in mentoring me and my five siblings with money. This has been a huge blessing to me in my life, so much so that I believe every child can and should get this advantage.

       As a financial counselor and coach for over 15 years, I have helped 100's of private clients of all ages achieve their financial goals. The principles and perspective I teach are so simple, they prove themselves over and over.

      In fact, people are AMAZED when they observe how responsible, informed, and unusually mature my kids are when it comes to money. 
      The proof is in the pudding!
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      The Clean, Simple, and Unique Tools You Need!
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