Who counts as "a wingman"? 
For private coaching, a couple needs to be married or formally engaged.

For Abundant Budgets, we don't care! We love when people do this with a battle buddy! We don't care what your relationship is--married, engaged, dating, mother/daughter, siblings, friends, co-workers, etc. It doesn't matter! Doing this journey with your spouse, or any battle buddy, will only increase your success! Just know that, since this is primarily designed for married couples, we DON'T split the tab for you.
Why do married couples need double everything? 
Because this isn't your run-of-the-mill online course. It's a coaching program, and couples require double the work on both ends--two sets of values, needs, money beliefs, goals, patterns, fears, expectations, traumas, etc. Married or not, both people need to understand themselves before they can properly show up for the partnership. Two people need to be asking questions in the coaching sessions and emails. While some homework is absolutely better done together, and some can be a division of simple tasks, much of this program is a personal discovery. This discovery will be done at each person's pace and schedule, requiring their own progress tracker and access to Ruth. Couples simply need two of everything.

Ruth helps couples create unity around money. Interdependence certainly requires and encourages couples to divide and conquer in many things. However, MANY pieces of your finances should NOT be dumped on one spouse alone, and doing so creates many of the problems. For so many reason, we discourage the "you do it and tell me what you learn" pattern, which is why we prioritize the "couples" offer be a FABULOUS deal! This is NOT the place to cut corners! xoxoxo

The skills learned in this program, especially in the "Relationships and Money" course, will help you understand better why "double everything" is important, and you will learn to work more successfully with your spouse in this critical part of life.

That said, we also know that married couples frequently have different enthusiasm levels, time availability, or brain space for money stuff. Sometimes, you just need to do this solo. Most financial coaches, for good reasons, won't work with married people if both partners aren't participating. But Ruth herself says, "If I had to wait for my husband to participate before I could learn or do anything, we would be divorced!" Two heads ARE better than one, but 2 - 1 does NOT = 0. One person can make a huge difference for the team. So we get it! Which is why the "flying solo" option is still a KILLER deal. For your best success, please ensure you meet the "Are You Ready" criteria with your marriage.
Why would I pay for a coach instead of putting that money toward my financial goals? 
Albert Einstein said, "We can't solve problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

If you truly want the huge benefits of this course and are sincerely working through the math of your situation, we encourage you to focus on the benefits rather than the cost. We know this is a huge leap of faith for people. If you commit to the course and do the homework assignments, the money will come back to you 1000's times.

If it helps, every client to date who did the work with even moderate effort reports it was worth every penny.

If you meet the "Are Your Ready" criteria, but aren't sure Ruth is the coach for you, you are also welcome to schedule a free consultation. If Ruth is not the coach for you, she will likely know someone who is.
How can I pay for a coach when I'm living paycheck-to-paycheck? 
"If you think education is expensive, you should try ignorance." - Derek Bok

Clients usually find the money in their current budget using their new skills. Some decide to pull from savings. Other people cash in on Birthday/Christmas money or sell stuff hanging around the house or storage unit.

Some employers will pay part or all the cost. Use this PDF to start the conversation. Many clients make the money on the side or even earn promotions and raises at work from applying the skills they learn.

Ruth discourages the use of credit cards because there is nearly always another way; finding the funds could be looked at as your first homework assignment. ; ) That said, we understand those skills are exactly what you know you lack and we are very confident in what you will learn in the courses. So, if you really can't figure out another way in short notice, and if you are committed to doing the work, then.....
How long will I have access to the content and coaching?
As long as you're in Abundant Budgets, you'll have access!

The course content is fantastic, but, unlike your typical digital courses, Abundant Budgets has so much built in connection and accountability that it can't be treated like your typical course. The live support and accountability turns the content from digital clutter, to life-changing.
Can I learn at my own pace? 
Yes! I certainly understand the schedule demands of productive adults, which is why I have worked so hard to make my content digital. The course content moves you through each piece as you complete the previous one. And you can bring up whatever you are working on in the moment in the live group coaching sessions.

That said, the results promised from the course are created by completing the homework assignments. 

Is Ruth accredited or licensed? 
There are no licensing or accreditation requirements to be a financial coach. Weird, but true. Read this for more on the matter.

Still, Ruth has a bachelor's degree in family finance--her practicum was in financial counseling, she is a YNAB Certified Coach, and she completed Ramsey Solution's Master Training program. She has been budgeting and investing since her youth, and has helped 100's of people achieve their goals. Ruth does not take lightly the trust and confidence people place in her, and she works hard to be excellent at what she does.

If you would like more info about her qualifications, visit the About Ruth page
Does coaching really work? 
yes. Yes. YES!
Coaching can increase your success by more than 80%!!

Financial coaching is not a service of hours worked but of accountability, experience, and TRANSFORMATION.

  • Changed insight
  • Better tools--physical and metaphysical
  • BIG support and awesome accountability
  • Time saved
  • Money saved
  • Frustration spared
  • and RESULTS, result, results!

Financial coaching is even beneficial when done vicariously, which is one of the great things about group coaching. Even if you don't know what questions to ask, you can learn as you watch other people work on their stuff.
How much personal coaching will I get? 

LOTS! The Abundant Budget Group sessions and community platform is ALL about getting personal attention every time! The digital courses have built in check-in's for personal feedback with all your homework, and Ruth provides several ways to contact her directly for questions that are time sensitive.

Private coaching sessions may also be purchased along the way.

What are the technology requirements? 
You can access all the course content via your mobile phone or desktop.

All coaching sessions are done via Zoom; you don't need to download anything, just join the meeting via the provided link via email and your membership portal.

While not essential, a desktop makes it easier to share your screen and troubleshoot budget tech stuff.
Do I have to use YNAB to benefit from the program? 
No, with a caveat.

While YNAB is Ruth's preferred tool, she recommends a few different budgeting systems, and it is absolutely your prerogative to use any budgeting system with which you are comfortable. You may just be flying solo more in the technical parts of setting up your budget if it happens to be a tool with which Ruth is not as familiar. This may not be a problem since there is so much value in the accountability and all the other content that is independent of YNAB.

How much time will the program take? 
You decide! The course collection was designed for an average commitment of 2-3 hours per week for 6-9 months, but everyone will have different enthusiasm and availability. The group coaching is designed to be beneficial until you reach all your financial goals or have no more questions about personal finances. ; )
What is the cancelation and return policy? 
If you are on a subscription, you are free to cancel any time you feel the program or coaching is no longer a good fit. Just go to the customer center in your membership portal, find the "Manage Subscriptions" section, and cancel. Easy peasy! You will have access to your content or services until the end of your 30-day renewal period.

Canceling one member of the Abundant Budgets couple deal:
If either person wishes to cancel, the remaining subscription will continue to pull from the same payment method at the "Flying Solo" rate. You will let us know during the cancelation process which personals access to close, and they will have access until the end of their 30-day renewal period.

There are no refunds.

There are no promises about outcomes from coaching because part of the results are based solely on the clients' efforts. But there is the guarantee that Ruth will show up every session prepared and ready to provide as much value as possible. She is deeply invested in her clients' success, but can't do the work for them. You will never be told what to do. Ruth's job is to help you understand yourself and your options clearly and let you make decision and follow through as you see fit.

Too often, refund policies enable indecision or lax commitment, which are two things Ruth helps her clients to reduce in their life. If it feels like Ruth or the ABC program is the help you want but you still have questions or concerns not addressed in the information above, contact Ruth or schedule a consultation.

If unforeseen life happens that makes it unreasonably difficult to continue with the program or private coaching, Ruth will work to create a solution with clients who communicate with her. She is totally invested in all her clients' success, and 99% of the time clients would rather have help than a refund.
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